Friday 8 May 2009

No news of a foal still

Dani studying the paper this morning whilst his shoes are changed by the Blacksmith

Charles, Danni and our blacksmith Nigel were all working very hard this morning

"Any news?" Our guests ask each morning and each morning we say sorry no sign, and poor Lizzie grows larger by the day. But tonight she is walking very slowly and tenderly so surely it must be soon?...............Dani has been dubbed locally "The culprit" I think Lizzie may well agree!

Today Charles was "very busy" as the blacksmith came to re shoe Danni and trim Lizzie's feet ready for her big day. As I walked around the corner with that vital supply of tea for them all (Danni loves tea too and drinks it carefully from a cup) I could see they were all working very hard - well the blacksmith was anyway. Danni looks entirely unconcerned about his forthcoming new responsibilities as a father - maybe that's the Spanish Stallion Daily he's reading!


  1. Its good to keep up with the news now can we look who is running today

  2. Keith got there before me with that comment !
    Still I'm glad you got the Blacksmith's best side !
    Nice to know that Lizzie will be looking her best on her big day - it must be soon ! Sue
