Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Summer illusions

The promise of summer for a fleeting second

We had our morning coffee looking out over the bay this morning with clouds already starting to scud in, across the almost perfectly blue sky. Almost indiscernible, a first, the sound of the sea on the beach, below Perranuthnoe drifting towards us now only a whisper and swirling around the arc of the lawn, and unconscious part of our daily lives, the throbbing echo that rises and falls as the wind changes direction. We watched the white horses starting to break in the bay beyond the Mount told of the weather front already traveling towards us as we basked in the spring sunshine.
".......the sharp morning light cast a perfect shadow......."
On the way back thorough the courtyard I noticed one of my treasured collection of terracotta pots, empty as yet, as we wait for the early promise of summer to come nearer to us, as each day the sun rises higher in the sky. The sharp morning light cast a perfect shadow on an overhanging leaf of the Mediterranean Fan palm starkly on to its voluptuous form, a transitory promise of summer, soon gone as the sun climbed higher in the sky - but for a moment - just for a moment I dreamed of the summer to come.
The view from the garden at Ednovean Farm this morning

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