Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Goodby November

Yesterday November roared towards the winter with what the weathermen described as the worst day of the week - I read in perranlady's blog that gusts of 67 miles an hour were recorded at Lands End. So it wasn't my imagination as I struggled across the field with the Brood mares Hayladge that it was a tad breezy! The girls with horses logic had decided that the front field was the place to be yesterday but would like their hay taken down the hill to the village out of the wind - every other day they have opted for the more sheltered "long Field" that runs back towards the lane but no yesterday in view of the gusty gale they would like to eat in the front field perhaps they were keeping an eye on the construction of the Huf Haus the other side of Perranuthnoe, where a crane teeters precariously in the gale, surreptitiously watched by most of the population - why should they be left out! Ollie and Spud of course retired to the house Spud idly dangling his tail over the landing looking totally relaxed an confident after his home search.

But the first dates are coming up for spring now the Minack Theatre has just published its list of plays for the year - do check to see if there is anything on you would like to watch if you are staying - it is well worth the visit with a view to die for and don't forget the picnic

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