Tuesday, 28 July 2009

50 Great Small Gardens to visit

A box parterre we completed earlier as they say.

Nursing my aching back after a morning and actually most of the afternoon spent bent double over a miscreant box hedge, I was stunned to get a phone call from the village that went something like this.................

"Have you seen it, you must be so pleased." Me:- "seen what...........?"

"There was an article in one of the Weekend papers about fifty great small gardens to visit in the country and you were listed at number 22", C.... told me, I thought you knew." Me: -now sitting bolt upright and forgetting about back "The Sundays which one?"

"Oh the Times or the Observer or something -I'll check again with C..... " pause whilst friend rings off then "Yes definitely - why not do a web search........... must fly"

So I did a web search and it came up with the Saturday Telegraph - cue frantic scrabbling in the recycling bin and there it was or rather is, in the gardening section under an article about gardens opening for the National Garden Scheme, headed :-

50 Great Small Gardens to visit

22 Ednovean Farm, Perranuthnoe, Cornwall, TR20 9LZ

Open Sun Sep 13 (1pm-5pm)

Above Mounts Bay with sweeping sea views. A garden of contrasts. Formal parterres and courtyards around a converted barn, opening to a flowing lawns, finished with Italian and gravel gardens.

And we'd missed it..............just a little gardening to complete before September Groan!!


  1. Well that was a nice surprise I`ll bet, at least it took your mind off your aching back.
    The judging by your images you DO have lovely gardens.


  2. All complements well deserved. I often go through the Telegraph "lists" online and I missed it as well " You'll have a lot to live up to in September ! Sue
