Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Gardening in July

A day Lilly

Crocosmia Lucifer

We spent the afternoon pottering around the garden, dodging the sudden squally showers with a tactical retreat to the garden room before venturing out five minutes later to be rewarded by dazzlingly brilliant sunshine. We found the garden illuminated as never before as each raindrop magnified the light and made the colours more brilliant.

The terrace leads on to the sun dial garden

The sheltered terrace in front of the garden room with its waiting sun loungers and self seeded Agapanthus amongst the pots of Box

The Italian Garden that Charles mowed today for the first time since June

A vivid yellow crocosmia that I bought from Lower Kennegy Nurseries

Statue of an Angel by Annie Henry

One of the lawns leading to a wilder part of the garden below a distant view to the hills that separate Penzance from St Ives


  1. The garden is looking good Christine Great pics of Ollie

  2. Thank you Keith but only two months until the ngs opening - I think it will be the last one for a bit though with our expanding equine family!
