Monday, 29 June 2009

Computer crashing please pass.....

Well!! our old computer has performed faithfully for a number of years and we have grown old together it seems until just after the birth of Amie (the Foal) it started to "behaving very strangely indeed" No sooner had it been persuaded out of premature retirement or permanent hibernation by the patient engineer than it would close down again. In its brief resurrections I was able to set out the posters etc for the garden opening but at the very sniff of blog time zzzzwich it was gone - silent and idle, brooding in the corner, until at last in desperation we purchased and speedy new machine..............that took a complete dislike to most of the old programmes and resolutely refused to recognised the camera uploads either. But by gently coaxing it is settling in nicely and I have bagged some photos of the garden that I have been taking over the last couple of weeks so off we go!

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