Sunday 17 April 2011

Sunday - Is it really April?

St Micheal's Mount this morning full of promise for the day

Charles has done a sterling job with the lawns again - it only takes him two days in his "spare" time - that is the main axis of the Italian Garden in the distance

I walked the spiral the other day to spread weed'n feed on it - it was a really strange feeling - the pah that was always the same but slowly led somewhere!

Our terrace of course

The little private sitting area that opens from the Apricot room always sheltered and warm

It is strange to post6 a Sunday post but it lay forgotten in edit but then strange things do happen the weather for instance would rival June at the moment; the rabbit i met gathering bedding in the muck heap that disappeared into the hedge with his/he mouth full of dry straw; the postman I met deep in the country lanes carrying a chicken that he returned to its run. The unexpected things in the course of the day - hope you have an adventure today!

PS Wednesday blog will be on Wednesday!

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