Wednesday, 11 January 2012

A morning of magic

I could not believe the magical morning as i got up to feed the horses this morning and could not resist stopping to take of photo of St Micheal's Mount reflecting the pink sky behind me with the mist hanging in the valley ........ despite anxious whinnies for food from the stables and Spud cat trying to climb up my leg!

Horsey breakfast finished they strolled off to their fields for their daily task of grass trimming and as we ferried them about on the Ednovean Farm equivalente of the "school run" i was struck by the mist gently lifting from the pastures - the grass spangled with cobwebs

i walked up to the top field to look out across Mounts Bay as the mist drained from the valleys towards the sea (click the photo to enlarge)

the familiar fields spun by the spiders webs making the brambles a fairies grotto

i was soon spotted by some of our young horses who hurtled enthusiasticaly up the hill to supervise

Looking eastwards towards Trebarvah in the early light

Just twenty minutes later as we were aout to eat our breakfast one lasts photo of the Mount with the mist of the morning truly an enchanted morning for the Mount

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