Thursday, 30 January 2014

A retrospective of our year at Ednovean Farm

First light and we wake up to a rare snow fall here in Cornwall

I thought it might be fun to put together  a retrospective of our year here at Ednovean Farm and with diligence and discipline, I went through my files with the aim of selecting only on or two photos, to represent each month. Well that was the idea but alas as I trawled through the year more and more photos found there way into my little desktop file until it bulged with seventy photos so, in truth I may have to make several posting to complete my mission!
Still lets start with January when we woke up to an unexpected snow fall and then move on through the spring for this blog and then I'll follow up with Summer and Autumn with subsequent posts....................

Winter and Spring 

starting with

The sun setting over Perranuthnoe

A surprise snowfall blanketing the courtyard, in the early morning light

February days

Sunshine in the spare branches of the Luquat
 set under a warm wall

The sun now higher in the sky warms our home and
the Euphorbia comes into flower

The sun creeps higher and touches the fountain
that forms the centre piece of our courtyard garden

March! and spring has truly arrived

Daffodils are grown commercially in #Cornwall and these are just at the
end of the lane where we live - not quite our garden but
 natures garden ever the less

Back in our garden and the business of tidying and taking care
of the winter casualties continues - our log pile to a back ground of
pretty Tete a Tete Daffodils

Spud cat admiring the sunset from the
 lower garden fence

back in the house our B&B gets busier with Daffodils
accompanying the Breakfast table

April days and we start to think of Summer

I planted an old urn (a sale room find) with  a glowing white
Hydrangea, to form a view point out of our hall window,
in the little courtyard behind the house

Irises and box balls springing into growth in our car

The fountain plays on

A relaxed selection of pots and self seeded herbs soften
the top terrace of the main courtyard on the approach
to the front door

Well that was our spring last year in pictures - I think I will divide the year up so that I wont make each blog too long - in the mean time do drop in to our daily Facebook page to see my album of the garden year a Ednovean farm

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