Sunday 21 July 2013

Days of Summer

The summer garden and view to St Micheal's Mount
from the Ednovean Farm Garden

What glorious summer day we have had, when the sky larks soar in a magical blue sky and butterflies dance on the breeze. Those days that will linger in our memories long into the winter and become part of that legend "I remember when Summers were...!" Those days when the heat of the day lingers on into the dusk and the scent of Lavender and Fennel drifts passed my senses bringing back half remembered days of other long past summers. It was on such a day that I walked up to the top of the farm while waiting for a water trough to fill with the extra water that the horses need in the heat and found a warm but delightful breeze, just enough to make the climb worthwhile as i hunted for that special photo of St Micheal's Mount in Mounts By below with the arch of towns and villages spread along the shore.

St Micheal's Mount on a Summers day from Ednovean Farm

My view from the hillside again listening to the sky larks song

Looking bake over the garden with the shad of the
sun umbrellas

On these warm summer day sometimes a  couple will reserve a table for two in our courtyard for a romantic private Breakfast among the Fennel and Feverfew tucked under the old pump that has seen many centuries come and go

A romantic Breakfast table tucked among the herbs and
pots in a tiny courtyard beside the house

A private table fro two!


  1. My most favorite view, are tired of hearing me say that? Suek

  2. Not at all Sue and I know at least one person has read my blog too!
