Wednesday 25 August 2010

In case of rain

Today's top tip is from Oliver Taylor Esq.

"In case of rain select a very cosy cardboard box and wait for better weather conditions"

The day started with an ominous feel as the skies darkened and even the birds were still, my anxious checks on met check revealed heavy rain was heading our way throughout the morning and sure enough the rain it raineth. Growing steadily in intensity over Breakfast time whilst Olly remained resolute in his resolve in his cardboard box, not stirring a muscle or twitching a whisker.

I had given the horses in the front field a good supply of hay to stock up on before breakfast and seen Wilbur who'd expectantly arrived and sat beside his saucer ready for his morning science diet - even the sparrows have had a top up of bird seed to fight the chill. But looking down from the kitchen the fountain in the courtyard below, merrily playing on, had the air of the orchestra as the Titanic Sank with the rain drumming down around it. Still perhaps it will make the grass grow!

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