Thursday, 29 May 2014

The last days of spring in the garden

Spring turns to summer in the Ednovean Farm garden here in Cornwall

Take a walk with me now through the garden as spring rolls forward into summer. These days, to keep abreast of developments I've renewed my love affair with power tools for the garden,setting about the ivy that covers the front of the house with a hedge trimmer and finally decided that I could strim the last of the daffodil leaves that were still reluctant to take their long summer siesta. The Italian garden has looked rebellious up until now with burgeoning hedges flopping outwards, giving it a slightly gothic horror show sort of look. Luckily this week a nice young man with a very powerful pole hedge trimmer instilled some strict discipline into them..........just a few days hard raking and it should look 'ansome!

So lets start near the kitchen door where he palms try to knit themselves to the house

Palms leaning towards the kitchen steps

Geraniums have overwintered here on top of the steps
quite happily

The self clinging climbing Hydrangea is in full bloom
now framing the doorway

Gunnera enjoys the run off from the barn roofs beside the car park

and into the courtyard gardens where plants wait to be put into my terracotta posts (slapped wrists for slow work!) This year I've bought some scented Geraniums to put by each seating area after spending a few happy hours at Lower Kennegy Nursery sniffing the many plants on offer and finally deciding on Prince of Orange for its lovely citrus scent............but I could be tempted to return for a few more!

I didn't actually go to buy an Agave but.......!

Our Trachycarpus Fortunei are in full bloom now too

and finally to the main event this May the Echiums

A pretty blue Echium in the courtyard garden

Our Echiums are dramatic this spring ringing the lawn with impossible large flower spikes that are alive with the buzzing of happy bees. they've cross pollinated from our original Echium panina and perennial plants to produce tall multi spiked plants.

Pure luck where the echiums have decided to grow of course

Evening light and I love them

Looking down over the garden from the lane yesterday

And so good niht I hope you enjoyed my impressions of the garden Read more about our home here

and of course you can follow my garden albums on Facebook too:-

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