Snow drop with planting by Mister Mouse
Spring comes early to West Cornwall and the early bulbs start to break through - sometimes in very unexpected places - I can only think that this unplanned planting was by Mister Mouse Esq. Still they looked very charming this morning nestling against a moss cushioned rock so who I am I to complain in the comnpany of a highly qualified expert on these matters.
The morning brings many things and one of them is the ritual of visiting the muck heap, pulling or pushing the horses offerings up the incline in the heavy barrow - but the view isn't too bad as you can see when you get there - By the way Large quantities free to any gardener to take away and enjoy the view whilst collecting!
Moving on...............the sharp unexpected light caught the symmetry of the box balls that line the little terrace in front of the garden room this morning
as I passed by to check out those Daffodils. Yes! bouncing in the morning "Breeze" they are beginning to break into flower as a sure sign that the time is soon coming for spring
Below the garden the brood mares Lizzie and Diva are still stoutly wrapped against the sea breeze their shadows long across the grass but their appetite growing daily for the first fresh shoots of lush growth after the scorched grass of winter.