Saturday 20 February 2010

A horse at the botttom of the garden

It has been another glorious day here in Cornwall and as I glanced out of the kitchen window this afternoon I spotted Belle just below the garden gate looking like an enormous lilac barrage balloon or as Charles prefers a round Easter egg.

Belle our expectant mum

The view from our kitchen window - not a bad way to start the day............!

Sleepless night follows sleepless night as we wait and wait for Belle to decide the time and the place. Belle on the other hand divides her time between sleeping with her hooves neatly tucked underneath her, to laying completely flat in her luxurious clean foaling suite - her every move monitored by us on the TV as lay sleeplessly watching. She is normally up by seven o'clock and then potters over to wait looking out of her stable door leaving us just enough time to relax and have a cup of tea before it's time to get up. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
Olly Cat is also manning (or should I say Catting)the monitor, with an experts eye trained over years of mousing. He watches fascinated and has even abandoned his 4.00am mousing missions in favour of advanced purring duties, although he did fill in a bit of time shredding the Cornishman ( a local news paper) the other morning in the early hours .............double Grrrrrrrrrrr.!!

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