Sunday 13 February 2011

The front door

Ednovean Farm about 1979 - Jessica Cat - the door on the left is now the Pink room window the door straight ahead is now the front door

Our front door has known many incarnations over the years - I took a snap of Ollie deciding if he could or could not venture out this morning - well it is a big decision in a cat's day after all....Will it rain, should he choose mouse or rabbit or just keep an eye on the humans...hmmmm

and how different it looks from the photo above that my brother took one evening, of one of the farm cats Jessica . The old mellow walls catching the last rays of the summer sun and the poppies I still favour growing voluminously around the edge of the yard. Jessica who was born under one of the horses haynets in what is now the Pink room and spent her life with us only -becoming a house cat when we converted the barn, when she and her associates or should I say colleagues summarily moved in too. The new front door was a very welcome addition to their lives!

This year will bring us to twenty years as a B&B and twenty years of a real front door to savour the day from - frightening isn't it how the time flies.

Memory lane (and I promise this is the last turn in the blogs progress) George who wandered in one day and decided to stay and spend his life with us - a life that passed through our front door

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