Thursday, 25 October 2012

Falling leaves and a trip aound the garden

October and the view from the terrace framed by
the Pampass blooms

As the season moves on the leaves have started to fall drifting down to land with an audible clatter on the country lanes where I ride Dani for his daily exercise and I'm starting to see the strings of berries in the hedgerows now - bright points of colour as the season fades to shorter days.

Danilon our Spanish Stallion showing off
his party trick

Spud Cat celebrated the annual trim of the Ivy that clothes the front of the house, by clambering up it in pursuit of a bird (bad Spud) and passed the kitchen window on the first floor at about dusk. I watched with curiosity to see if his nine lives were needed anticipating a trip to the vet at least but no, Spud neatly reversed back down the creeper with only a few feathers to show for his adventure.

We've had a few spring like beautiful days just recently and so I've added a few more garden photos for this gentle season - luckily we only have one real "leaf shedding" tree although the Palms are doing their best to scatter their strappy leaves at the least puff of wind but generally the garden goes on in its own world and we have been struck by the little micro climate that has formed here now that the shelter belt has grown up. So!! photos!

Morning coffee on the terrace in the sunshine -
Charles has been discharged by the fracture clinic

Those Agapanthus that we loved in bloom
just about ready to scatter their seeds

The stately Verbascums are still flowering

Dappled sunshine now in the sundial garden

We bought the sundial for our third weddign anniversary

A surprise self seeded poppy bringing memories of summer

The "entrance court" I must be brave a pull a lot of the old plants out soon

I love the maturing Trachycarpus Fortunie (Chusan Palm) and now wish
I had planted more of course!

The Parterre in the afternoon

Morning sunshine on the side of the stables

A garden chair dwarfed by some tree ferns

Sunset over Perranuthnoe

A tree in one of the farm gateways framing the sunset over Mounts Bay

My other photos of the October garden can be found here:- October Garden

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