Thursday, 15 February 2018

Where's the Ednovean Diary?

spring daffodils - ednovean farm gardens
February 2017
So where has the Ednovean Diary gone to? Well it is still alive and well and available on our website but every now and again I do pop in yo here to give you a gentle reminder about how to find it.

It's not that I don't like Blogger, it is so easy to use but I just don' have time to keep up two blogs at the moment - or maybe I only have one thought at a time!

So this was Ednovean Farm this week in the cool light of the February sunshine as our ivy-clad Farmhouse settled to wait for summer as it has no doubt done over the centuries.

Ivy clad Farmhouse - Ednovean Farm
Ednovean Farm - February 2017

Happy reading and don't forget you can no find my blog at